4 (Really GOOD) Reasons to Use Pinterest For Wedding Pros

Are you wondering if Pinterest is worth the effort for your business? Are my clients even using the platform? Will I actually get business from it? Or, is it just a bunch of DIY people looking for recipes and home hacks? If you’re in the wedding and event business, such as a photographer, planner, designer, florist, stationery designer and more, you’re in the right spot today as I share a few really good reasons why you might want to consider using Pinterest, the third largest search engine in the world, to market your business. Maybe you heard from a peer or a competitor that Pinterest is really working out for their business, but you want to learn a little more for yourself. Well, cozy up, my friend, you’re in luck as I share some helpful and practical reasons why marketing your wedding and event business on Pinterest is a good option.

Wedding and event business marketing advice - why we should use Pinterest - from Julianne Smith

There are so many questions to ask before just adding another thing to your to do list. Adding Pinterest to your marketing tool kit of ways that you get new leads or grow your business is no exception. As a business owner, you know that it would be irresponsible to just jump into Pinterest - or anything - without knowing what you’re getting yourself into.

Plus as business owners and I think we’ve all been scared by social media. Third-party marketing platforms, like Instagram and TikTok can be a huge time suck and resource drain on our small, but mighty teams, for an unknown, not guarnateed outcome, only to have the rug pulled out just as we have it all figured out with algorithm updates and trend changes.

If you need a little more support in your “to use” or “not to use” journey, I’m sharing a few things to consider before jumping into Pinterest. It will save you time and money in the long run if you know a little bit more about what you’re getting into before you starting scheduling pins, or searching for that long-lost password on a Pinterest account that you haven’t opened in years.

Because, in the interest of complete transparency, Pinterest is not the right marketing fit for every wedding business. I know it seems counterintuitive for me to tell you not to use Pinterest when I offer done-for-you wedding business marketing services as well as an  on-demand course on how to use Pinterest built exclusively for the wedding and event industry. Depending on time, resources and where you are in your business journey, Pinterest marketing is not for every wedding business. It’s my mission to help you make an informed choice so that you’re not living in indecision.

On the other hand, if you’re feeling burnt out, overwhelmed or confused with your marketing, or if you’re not doing the kind of work that you want to be doing, Pinterest might be a great option for your business. Pinterest can help with inquires, leads and it is a great marketing tool to support your business during busy seasons, which we all experience being in the wedding industry.

So let’s talk about it. Here are four reasons why you should check out Pinterest to market your wedding and event business:

4 Reasons Why Wedding & Event Pros Should Use Pinterest

1: Inquires

Pinterest is about traffic to your website and thus inquires to your contact form. If you need more people asking to work with you, then Pinterest might be a great option for you. Unlike social media, which are designed to keep the user on their platform, Pinterest is all about sending traffic to your website.

If it is more inquires or more leads is what you need, then check out Pinterest.

2: Improved Inquires

If you feel that you aren’t getting the quality inquires that you want, or you aren’t booking your ideal client, then Pinterest might be an option to consider for marketing your business. Engaged couples or those planning weddings in all price points and budgets in all areas are using Pinterest. Simply by putting out helpful content (for which you are already the expert!) in the right way on Pinterest, you will attract your ideal clients who are using the platform.

If you’re looking to improve or change your leads, then check out Pinterest.

3: You Have The Content

If you’re working in the wedding or event space, you have more than enough content from past events to share on Pinterest. Trust me.

Many wedding businesses like photographers, planners, designers, shop owners, DJ’s, stationers, and florists, worry about taking on more marketing channels for fear that they will have to create lots of new content, but that’s not the case with wedding and event pros and Pinterest. (For more on the subject of content, be sure to read my tips on how to control your content.) Most wedding pros have more than enough content and expertise at their fingertips to be successful on Pinterest.

If you’re looking to make the best use of your content, then check out Pinterest.

4: Automation Features

If you’re in the wedding and event space, you likely experience highs and lows during the year. You’re either super busy during the high season, or things are slow during the off season. Pinterest allows lots of automation and pre-scheduling that isn’t possible on social media, which makes it an ideal marketing option for wedding and event pros to make use of during busy times of the year. You will likely need leads and inquires coming at all times throughout the year, so Pinterest can really help to put your marketing on autopilot when you don’t have the time to focus on it.

If you’re need a marketing channel that runs on automation during busy season, then check out Pinterest.


So, what do you think? Are you ready to jump into Pinterest? If you need more inquires to your wedding or event business, or you feel that you’re not booking the right kind of client (aka your ideal client), then Pinterest might be a marketing option to consider.

If you’re a creative small business serving the wedding and event industry - such as a wedding planner, photographer, entertainer, DJ, rental company, florist, invitation designer and more - and you need help with your online marketing, content creation, or your Pinterest account, please send me an email at info@juliannesmith.com or check out my done-for-you and training services for wedding pros. I’d love to work with you to maximize your creativity and the overwhelm and work with the clients that you want to work with!

For more tips and advice on the wedding industry, be sure to check out past blog posts and sign up for my weekly emails where I’ll send you all kinds of wedding business education nuggets in 100 words or less!


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