100-ish Word Thought: What vs. Why vs. How

Wedding and event business marketing tips and advice about how to not give up from Julianne Smith

When You Find Yourself Helping Too Much

If you want your marketing to do the work - as in you create a piece of content one time and it pays dividends beyond just it’s initial posting - do not skip the what and the why.

Too many wedding businesses make the same marketing mistake over and over again, wondering why their content isn’t connecting, stuck in this wheel of creating more and more with nothing to show for it.

They jumping straight to how they can help. It’s normal. We’re fixers. We thrive on solving problems.

But here’s the thing - your potential clients don’t even know what their problem is or why they’re struggling. They just feel overwhelmed, confused, and have no idea what to do.

If you skip the what and the why and go straight to jamming tips down their throat - telling them what they should do, how they need a bigger budget, or why they must temper their expectations, etc. - you’ve already lost.

Why? Because they don’t even fully understand what’s happening yet.

When you gloss over their confusion, your content misses a crucial opportunity to connect and - most importantly - build trust.

Marketing first acknowledges their challenges (What is even happening here?) and helps them understand why they’re feeling this way (How did I even get here?). Bonus points you if you let them know their not wrong for feeling this way.

Then and only then - when they’re ready - you and your services become the how - the trusted expert who solves their problems.

Do you see what I did there?

I started this piece off by acknowledging your problem. I made you feel seen, not alone. I told you it’s only natural you’re here in the first place, before I gave you one small tip (reframing your content) to make your life just a little bit better.

Click here for more wedding business thought tips in 100-ish words.

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100-ish Word Thought: Do your job