100-ish Word Thought: Assume nothing

Wedding and event business marketing tips and advice about how to not give up from Julianne Smith

law of attraction

Good marketing assumes nothing. It touches a cord with your client and builds know, like and trust. It proves you're the expert and makes their life just a little bit better.

Marketing should help or inspire, not be rude or talk down. There’s a difference between helping and being condescending.

Your future clients aren’t dumb, they’ve just never done this before.

Thinking things like “they should know that” or “how can they not know this” or “they’ve heard that before” isn’t just pre-judging your future clients - it’s not attracting and it’s pushing them away.

When you assume they already know about your service, you lose the chance to be the solution to their problems.

Marketing that is a magnet for your ideal clients gives them something, some kind of advice or inspiration they can’t find anywhere else.

Your future clients are out there actively looking. They want what you have to offer.

But, when you assume they already know, you are actively repelling.

Click here for more wedding business thought tips in 100-ish words.

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