100-ish Word Thought: the worst trend of all
…is following THE trends
We say we’re above trends. Our clients come to us to not have the trend. We talk a big game about being different than everyone else.
Yet, when it comes to marketing we’re chasing every trend. Following every gimmick. Doing every hack.
Chasing trends is a disservice to your business and is more than likely repelling potential clients - because I know it's not attracting them.
And we wonder why leads are down. And our content gets no engagement. Or worse, the double whammy, our content gets engagement but no leads.
Just like with design or creativity, following trends in marketing wastes time and it’s rarely effective.
So, what's the alternative? The single greatest factor that actually moves the needle is to focus your marketing on making the lives of your current and future clients better. How can you be untrendy and instead be of service?
There's no problem with trying new things, but you're better off in the long run coming from a place of service than following a trend for no other reason than it’s the trendy thing to do.
So, less what everyone else is doing and more what your clients need.
If nothing else, following trends - with the keyword being "follow" - by its very nature signifies that you're already behind. Who wants to market their business starting from behind?
Click here for more wedding business thought tips in 100-ish words.
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