100-ish Word Thought: Use A.I. to make your life better

You Are The Resource

A.I. is everywhere. On the news. All over my Stories, webinars, podcasts. Everywhere. And somehow, they're allllll experts. The message from the social media shame train is loud and clear though:  If you didn't implement A.I. for your business yesterday, you've missed out. Polish off that Starbucks resume, because just like TikTok, Reels, crypto, NFTs,10K followers, Clubhouse and every other bandwagon you didn't jump on, you. are. finished. 

As we ride another wave of what may or may not be a thing, hear this:  A.I. can't change how other people act, it can only change how you act. And, A.I. definitely can't fix a broken system. Use A.I. to make your life and your processes better, easier, smoother. But, when you use A.I. to try to change how others act, that spells disappointment. 

A.I. can write your FAQ page. It can't make someone read it. It can't stop clients from asking questions or needing help. That's where you come in. Use your superpowers to show them you're the expert and book that business.

Don't let A.I. make you stop trusting in the power of you. You're your business's most valuable resource. 

So, as you explore A.I. ask how it can make your life better, not theirs.

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